Handy material:
Treatment plan, farmacoligical and non-farmacological : MECFS-Clinician-Coalition-Treatment-Recs-V1.pdf
Testing recommendation: MECFS-Clinician-Coalition-Testing-Recs-V1.pdf
List of ME/CFS Recovery and Improvement Stories: Phoenix Rising Thread
Sharleen Harty free book exploring how Sharleen recovered from ME/cfs caused by (off the charts) Epstein Barr Virus using alternative treatments: HOME ALONE 2020: Surviving Modern Pandemics using Ancient Medicines
When seeking information about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), it’s important to rely on reputable sources to ensure accurate and evidence-based information. Here is a list of some of the most reliable websites for information on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
ME/CFS Clinician Coalition
Improve clinical care for patients with ME/CFS by promoting and advancing best clinical practices and by providing medical education and evidence-based recommendations
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
CDC – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
The CDC provides comprehensive information on CFS, including symptoms, diagnosis, and management.
Mayo Clinic:
Mayo Clinic – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Mayo Clinic offers reliable information on CFS symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.
Emerge Australia:
Emerge Australia is national patient organisation delivering professional services, biomedical research, patient support and advocacy and for those with ME/CFS and Long COVID in Australia.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS):
NINDS – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Information Page
NINDS provides information on CFS research, clinical trials, and resources.
National Health Service (NHS) – UK:
NHS – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME)
The NHS offers information on CFS diagnosis, treatment options, and self-help advice.
Beyond Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) – NIH Working Group:
This NIH working group provides information on research initiatives and updates related to ME/CFS.
Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) Association of America:
CFIDS Association of America
The CFIDS Association of America is a non-profit organization that focuses on advocacy, education, and research related to CFS.
Hopkins Medecine:
Open Medicine Foundation (OMF):
OMF is a non-profit organization that supports research into ME/CFS and related conditions. The foundation collaborates with researchers and clinicians to advance understanding and treatment.
Blogs and Forums:
When looking for information and support related to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), it’s worthwhile to consider reputable blogs and online forums where individuals share their experiences and insights. Here are some reliable blogs and forums that focus on CFS:
Health Rising:
Health Rising – Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Blog
Health Rising provides in-depth articles, research updates, and insights into CFS and fibromyalgia.
Phoenix Rising – CFS/ME News, Forums, and Blogs
Phoenix Rising includes blogs, forums, and articles on ME/CFS. The Phoenix Rising forums provide a space for individuals with ME/CFS to connect, share experiences, and discuss various aspects of the condition.
ME Association – Community Forum:
The ME Association offers a community forum where individuals with ME/CFS can discuss symptoms, treatments, and daily challenges.
CFS Remission:
CFS Remission – A Blog with Information on How I Recovered
While primarily a blog, CFS Remission also includes a section where readers can share their experiences and comments related to CFS recovery.
S4ME (Science for ME) Forum:
S4ME is a community-driven platform focused on scientific discussions related to ME/CFS. It includes forums for research updates, advocacy, and personal experiences.
MEpedia is a project founded by The MEAction Network, powered by the patient community, and built by volunteers including patients, students, and researchers. We are crowd-sourcing a knowledge base on the history, science and medicine of ME, CFS, and related diseases.
Link list on Free Recovery Resources Online:
Many free recovery resources are available online for ME/CFS/SEID
These include eBooks, YouTube channels, websites, and mobile apps.
Always exercise caution and critically evaluate information obtained from online sources. Personal anecdotes and experiences shared on blogs and forums can be valuable, but they should not replace professional medical advice. Consult with healthcare professionals for personalized guidance and treatment recommendations. Additionally, remember that information and website reliability can change over time, so it’s a good idea to check for the latest updates and community feedback.
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