Why is CFS/ME/SEID So Challenging

Systemic immune inflammatory responses are initiated after the initial event of external stressor(s). These are transmitted to the central nervous system via an inflammatory and gateway reflex and possibly an increase in BBB permeability. The disease is maintained by signal pathways between the central nervous system and the peripheral.

Explanatory models

All of you here know how ME/CFS is described, not really defined, so I won’t go into that much.
There are several partially competing explanatory models for ME/CFS, for example; autoimmunity, chronic infection, energy metabolic defect, imbalance in autonomous nervous system and/or hormones, and psychosomatic dysfunction.
Actually all the mentioned systems are affected by this condition in a certain way. It is a state in which the central nervous system and the hypothalamus-pituitary base have been kicked from normal functioning by some initially causing factor(s) while other systems send back signals of danger as feedback, and perpetuate vicious circle, keeping the whole body functioning out of balance.

Healthy systems out of balance

At the same time, unless there is some comorbidity, the systems themselves can be healthy – the heart and blood vessels are healthy, the thyroid, adrenal glands, digestive system, there is no nerve damage, everything is physiologically healthy. “It’s just” that a person has no energy, can hardly bear sensory sensations, normal mental and emotional activity exhausts him, along with a range of other symptoms – in other words, he is disabled and sick.

The latest Klaus Wirth MD and Carmen Scheibenbogen MD Unifying Hypothesis for ME/CFS  sheds light on the origin and correlation of a wide range of symptoms such as cognitive impairment, brain fog, headache, hypersensitivity, sleep disturbances, and dysautonomia.

Empower With  Knowledge

  • Comprehensible explanation of how the condition operates

  • Understanding the root cause of symptoms

  • Different ways to approach affected systems treatments

Hope for the Cure

How to cure ME/CFS/SEID when it is not clear what it is?

(The answer to the question is ongoing quest. And so is our mission to bring lives back to sufferers. )

In our quest for a cure, we won’t just focus on one cause of this condition. Some scientists may try to pinpoint a single culprit, but we understand that it’s important to address all aspects. We don’t have the luxury of time to sit around and wait for answers. We can feel the impact of this condition on our own bodies – from immune issues like autoimmune responses and chronic infections, to problems with energy metabolism, imbalances in the central nervous system, cardiovascular dysfunction and dysautonomia. Hormonal imbalances and psychosomatic symptoms also add to the mix. We won’t wait for a breakthrough discovery to take action. We’ll work on all systems, seeking help from specialized doctors and doing what we can ourselves.

How to break the vicious cycles

My lay theory is (I later came across a similar expert opinion) that CFS/ME/SEID could be cured if the organism was kept in good functioning for a long enough time with help, until it switches off the danger mode. So that the body would return to the balance and stay there. That is, if the inflammation was suppressed and the affected systems were balanced long enough with diet, supplements and lifestyle, and the central nervous system was soothed and trained back to balance, the body would return to a healthy state and stay there. In any case, the conclusion is that one must approach holistically, all systems at the same time.

Not just physiologically

Although there seems to be no complete cure so far, and remissions occasionally collapse, I believe that the answer is out there somewhere. I had this kind of thinking even before I came across programs that work on reorganizing the central nervous system, which was the part that was missing – that is, in a holistic approach to recovery, the CNS must not be forgotten. That part should also be actively dealt with, and it is possible thanks to neuroplasticity. A single signal of physiological homeostasis is not enough for the central nervous system. In order for him to return to balance and normal reaction, it is necessary to teach him to a normal state not only by treating neuroinflammation with supplements or drugs, feeding the cell, balancing electrolytes, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids… in order for systems to send the message that we are OK physiologically, but with bodymind techniques, anti-stress, meditations, to consciously address the central nervous system directly and train it until it is convinced and locked into a normal state and reaction. Such is the approach taken by programs such as CFS Health, ANS Rewire, CFS Recovery, The Re-origin Program… it starts from the fact that bringing the central nervous system into balance and “locking” – returning it to normal functioning would consequently bring all systems back into balance, and the body into a healthy state of homeostasis .


  • Systemic inflammatory responses are initiated after the initial event of external stressor(s). These are transmitted to the central nervous system via an inflammatory and gateway reflex and possibly an increase in BBB permeability. The imbalance between vasoconstrictor and vasodilator forces is causing a disruption. The disease is maintained by signal pathways between the central nervous system and the peripheral.
  • Unless there is no comorbidity, all impacted systems themselves are healthy but unbalanced in specific ways.
  • Addressing each system imbalance physiologically along with bringing central nervous system to balance could reverse the danger mode and restore homeostasis. 

We understand that addressing each physiological imbalance and restoring balance to the central nervous system can be a complex task, especially considering the individual variations. Additionally, many people face challenges in accessing the necessary treatments. However, we have made an effort to simplify the process and provide you with some helpful resources.

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